For the security professional - We train your body and your mind. Training and consultation are available from individual tactics to contract negotiations and liability assumption. 

For the security company - Trouble finding personnel? Issues with clients wanting more than you can provide? Let us help you protect your company, employees, and clients by addressing all the facets involved in providing security. Kognitive can set you up with a streamlined process that makes life for you and your client much more pleasant.   

Kognitive Solutions staff are subject matter experts in the following fields.

  • Security Contract Negotiation
  • Legal Abilities and Liability Assumption 
  • Employee Selection and Team Structure
  • Site Defense Plans
  • Entry Control
  • Forward Detail Operations
  • Convoy / Motorcade Operations
  • Individual Tactics and Marksmanship

 If you need help other than what is listed above, feel free to contact us with your concerns. We will use our network to find a subject matter expert to assist you.